How to Raise a Concern
If you have a worry or concern about your Safeguarder’s work, actions or behaviour, then we want you to tell us about it. We want children, young people and families to feel comfortable with and confident in their Safeguarder, so when things have gone wrong, we want to address it and make sure it doesn’t happen again.
It will help us to respond to your concern if you tell us:
- What has happened – be as specific as possible
- The name of your Safeguarder
- Contact details so that we can get in touch with you – name, address, telephone number and email address.

Ways to raise a concern
There are a few different ways you can raise a concern. You can:
- Email us at
- Phone us on 0345 604 4296
- Writing to us at:
Safeguarders Panel Team
Children First
83 Whitehouse Loan
Read our full Complaints Policy here.