Protect Scotland's children today

We believe that every child should have a safe and happy childhood. Every child should have hopes, dreams, prospects and opportunities.
But, for many, they simply do not exist. Abuse, neglect and trauma are robbing them of their childhood years. Children are experiencing a mental health crisis, made worse by online harm, exploitation and social media bombarding them with unrealistic expectations.
Scotland’s children urgently need your support. Please donate today.
You can also help by taking part in a fundraising event or getting together with friends and colleagues to raise funds. With a gift in your Will, you can put children first. Their future can be your legacy, a gift for generations.
If you prefer to give your time, we have some fantastic volunteering opportunities. Whether you are befriending a child or young person, fundraising or supporting families over the phone, you will be making a real difference to the lives of children and families throughout Scotland.
You can support our campaigns to protect children and keep them safe by signing up to our newsletter.
Every penny raised, every volunteer recruited, and every campaign championed helps us protect Scotland’s children and ensure they grow up safe and happy.
Ways to support Children First

Your time, effort and skills could change a child’s life. Find out more about volunteering.

Corporate partnerships and major gifts
We can protect children and keep them safe, but we can’t do it alone. Working in partnership we can make an extraordinary difference to the lives of Scotland’s children. Get in touch with our dedicated team on 0345 10 80 111 or email