Bairns Hoose
Supporting children who have been victims or witnesses

If your child has been a victim or witness of crime it can be a difficult and upsetting time for everyone involved. The Children First Bairns Hoose team is here to help you and your child find their way through this new and sometimes confusing situation.
The team are here to help you understand what may happen next and to support you to help your child and whole family to recover from any experience that may have caused hurt or harm.
In 2024 Children First opened Scotland's first Bairns Hoose in the West of Scotland to reduce the trauma children can experience through the justice system. We are now working with local partners to support the development of Bairns Hoose across Scotland.
What is a Bairns Hoose
If your child has been referred to a Bairns Hoose team, they may have disclosed that they have been a victim or witness to a crime, or it is thought they have been a victim or a witness to a crime.
If they live in East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde or Renfrewshire they will be invited to receive support through the justice system and to recover from their experiences at Scotland's first Bairns Hoose, which is designed to feel like a family home. The Bairns Hoose is warm, welcoming and familiar. It provides a single location alternative to courts, social work offices and police stations, allowing each young person to feel safe and supported, and able to recover and thrive.